Thanks to MANY volunteers, we were able to run the Dyno on Sept. 14-15 and 22nd, 2013. We began plans to ready the car for service after Laddie Vitek from the IRM Diesel Dept. inquired in mid-July if we could run the car for folks visiting IRM post-MRHA convention in Rockford on Sept. 22. We agreed it would be a great idea and then also chose to run it Museum Showcase Weekend as well (Sept 14-15).
From July-Sept we would spent several weekends removing no longer needed items aboard the car clearing out space on the car for riders and getting the necessary repairs made and the necessary systems working. Getting the car ready to be run will be a separate blog post in and by itself that encompassed many weekends.
The car performed flawlessly Members Showcase Weekend and Sun 9/22/13.
The following people at IRM helped make this happen: Chuck Trabert, Pauline Trabert, Laddie Vitek, Adam Farance, Jeron Glander, Paul Sawicki, Bob Olson, Jamie Kolanowski, myself, Warren Newhauser, and a few others.

Welding the cut lever bracket back on in Yard 11. The Diesel Dept guys straightened it out for us. 9/14/13.

X-5000 volunteer Brian LaKemper (left) and Jeron Glander (right) work on the hydraulic dynamometer unit. 9/14/13.