I had a very productive and interesting solo Saturday of Museum Showcase Weekend on the X-5000 at IRM. Mainly I cleaned out a whole pickup truck (courtesy of Roger Kramer) load of junk. There is still a lot of metal scraps, wood scraps, etc. stored on the car that we don’t need. The problem is when someone comes on board, it gives the impression that it is just junk storage.
- Pickup truck full of junk being removed
- New kitchen door hardware.
- New kitchen door hardware
- Pullman corner berth light profile. We need at least 5 of these guys!
- The newer 32V bulbs (left) are slightly larger than the older ones (right). Roger Kramer suggests saving the older ones for future berth light fixtures since the new ones won’t fit.
Mostly stuff that we been accumulating for 20 years that that the car has been at IRM. A lot went to the Coach Dept so we can still get to it. I kept all the smaller screws/bolts, etc. and wire. There’s still a lot more to do, but I cleared three bunks worth! Looks far better now.
Roger took me to the “inner sanctum” of the IRM Coach Dept. – the coach where they store all the coach hardware and parts. After two trips I found the proper interior door knob/handle for the kitchen door. Cleaned it up at home (never seen anything so dusty in my life) and bought a piece of 5/16” square stock at the hardware store for installation.
Roger Kramer sold me some boxes of 25w and 50w 32V bulbs for $1.50 each. I figured I should buy them because you never know when you can get them again. He suggested I began replace on his recommendation since the old ones will work in a berth fixture and the new ones will not.
Roger also has some Pullman brass lights he will sell. I may buy one so we have at least one for reference. He brought his Safety Car coach light book, but we could not positively identify the berth and corner berth light fixtures. The consensus seems to be that they may be “Milwaukee only” fixtures. Others say they are standard Pullman berth lights.
The Oil/Heat keeps tripping out on the Enginator. What I’m suspecting is that the engine temp sensor is not set to trip and the correctly temperature or could be the fact that the wires to the oil pressure or temp sensor are shorted out because the insulation is visibly cracking. This means rewiring which is probably a 1-2 hour job. As best I can describe, we make incremental progress on the Enginator each trip out. I need to make a test light and attach to the temp sensor wires to positively identify when it is tripping out to determine if the wires are shorted all the time or does the temp sensor close at too low a temperature.